The Upstate New York Divorce Law Blog
Custody Agreements & Disputes
Custody agreements almost always are preferable to custody litigation. Custody agreements generally are more likely to succeed than an order that is the product of adversarial litigation. On the other hand, custody litigation has [Read More]
An Exploration of Child Custody Matters
Today I am starting a series of posts about child custody matters. Custody matter are among my least favorite domestic relations matters. When custody is litigated, the children always lose. As a parent I [Read More]
A Closer Look at New York’s New Maintenance Law – Part 2: Applying New York’s New Temporary Maintenance Law
This is the second in a series of articles about New York’s new maintenance law. So far we have discussed that New York’s new temporary maintenance law has two variations, which depend on whether [Read More]
A Closer Look at New York’s New Maintenance Law – Part 1
New York State's New Maintenance Law changes the way courts must address temporary and post-divorce maintenance. This may be the most important development in New York domestic relations law in many years. This series [Read More]
The Rights of Children
When discussing custody of children, the first consideration always should be the child or children. Too often the adults make themselves and their conflict, pride and dysfunction, the main considerations and driving forces in [Read More]
More on New York’s New Maintenance Law
Significant revisions to New York's maintenance laws start taking effect this month. These revisions affect how courts will calculate temporary and post-divorce maintenance. They may have a major impact on New York divorces. New [Read More]