It is that time of the year again.  The holidays are here.  Or are they the “hellidays”?  Too often separated or divorced parents let their conflicts spoil the holiday season for their children.

Every year I see too many people fighting over holiday visitation.  Most of it is not about the kids enjoying the holiday season.  Most of it is petty territorial pissings, control issues or just someone trying to settle a score from earlier in the year or from last Christmas.

As separated or divorced parents you must keep in mind that Christmas is not for you;  it is for your kids.

So my advice to all separated and divorce parents for this holiday season is to give your children the best gift that you can.  Give them gift of a holiday season without arguing or conflict.  Put aside any animosity that you may have for the other party and do what you can to make this Christmas the best for your kids.

This is easier said than done.  But so is most everything about being a parent.