Corroboration of a Child’s Out-of-Court Statement

In neglect and custody proceedings a child's out-of-court statement claiming abuse or neglect may be admissible if it is corroborated sufficiently.  As with the types of circumstances that give rise to this exception to the hearsay rule, the definition of corroboration is very broad. The Family Court Act defines corroboration as any other evidence tending [Read More]

By |2013-03-27T12:17:11-04:00March 27th, 2013|Custody, Divorce|

Using A Child’s Out-of-Court Statements in a Custody Hearing

Proving in court child abuse or mistreatment can be difficult.  Often we only have a child's out-of-court statements to a parent or a third party and very little other proof.  An evidentiary problem arises in this situation since out-of-court statements are hearsay.  Hearsay statements generally are not admissible in court.  That means that they cannot [Read More]

By |2013-03-25T09:49:58-04:00March 25th, 2013|Custody, Divorce|

New York Divorce Jurisdiction

In order for the State of New York to have jurisdiction over the parties to a divorce action the residency requirements of Domestic Relations Law section 230 must be satisfied.  There are a number of ways that they can be. The most common and simplest way is that the grounds upon which this action is [Read More]

By |2013-03-07T11:53:58-05:00March 7th, 2013|Divorce|

The Do-It Yourself Divorce Nightmare

  The other day I had a client come in to see me about a divorce.  He brought with him the Uncontested Divorce Form Packet and Instructions Packet from the New York Unified Court System.  His estranged Wife had given him the packets and told him to figure out how to do their divorce.  He [Read More]

By |2013-03-02T11:36:23-05:00March 2nd, 2013|Divorce|

WebReach Pay Per Click Advertising Is Bogus

This post is for my peers; other attorneys practicing divorce and family law in upstate New York.  And frankly, I think this is for any attorney who wishes to use the internet for marketing. Our friends at Yellowbook - the old-fashioned phonebook - have reinvented themselves as WebReach under the umbrella of "hibu, Inc."  They [Read More]

By |2013-02-25T15:09:14-05:00February 25th, 2013|Divorce, Social Media|

Child Support: Inheritance as Income

In New York a court must consider all of a parent’s resources in determining an appropriate amount of child support.  So an inheritance or a gift can be counted as income or as a resource available for purposes of calculating child support.  This is done more often in cases where the basic child support under [Read More]

By |2013-02-16T13:13:27-05:00February 16th, 2013|Divorce, Support|

More Facebook Traps to Avoid

Facebook is a complex trap for divorce litigants.  Even if you do not post on Facebook and you just watch what your friends are doing on Facebook, you can still fan the flames of discord in your divorce.  The “Like” button has become an issue in some divorces that I have seen.  So before you [Read More]

By |2013-02-06T11:49:17-05:00February 6th, 2013|Divorce, Social Media|

Child Support: Proving Cash Income

In some support cases or divorces we encounter a situation where a party is self-employed or has cash income and they fail to report all of their income on their income tax returns.  In these cases it is a real challenge to prove what their true income is. There are a few ways to deal [Read More]

By |2013-01-18T14:24:28-05:00January 18th, 2013|Divorce, Support|
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